Local Calling Guide

Site updates

2013-10-27Updated local calling information for Federated Telephone Cooperative (MN)
2013-10-27Updated local calling information for South Plains Telephone Cooperative, Taylor Telephone Cooperative (TX)
2013-10-27Expanded local calling area for customers of Thacker-Grigsby Telephone Company (KY) effective 2013-06-01. Usage to expanded calling area subject to monthly cap of 1000 minutes for residential customers and 1500 minutes for business customers.
2013-10-27Company-wide local calling for customers of Peoples Telephone Cooperative (TX) effective 2013-06-01
2013-10-05Company-wide local calling for customers of Industry Telephone Company (TX) effective 2013-06-20
2013-10-05One-way calling from exchanges of Blossom Telephone to Deport TX and Roxton TX effective 2013-06-22
2013-10-05One-way calling from exchanges of Coleman County Telephone to Coleman TX and Brownwood TX effective 2013-06-01
2013-10-05One-way local calling from Dolores/Modeana/West Marietta TX to Laredo TX, and from Donie TX to Groesbeck TX and Mexia TX, effective 2013-06-01
2013-10-05One-way local calling area from exchanges of Muenster Telephone (Nortex Communications) to all exchanges in Dallas TX LATA 552 and Wichita Falls LATA 548 effective 2013-07-01
2013-10-05One-way local calling area from exchanges of Southwest Texas Telephone to most exchanges in San Antonio TX LATA 566 effective 2013-06-01
2013-07-27Partial reversal of rate centre consolidation in Nebraska: Arthur, Brewster and Dunning re-established effective 2013-07-29
2013-06-11Added local calling information for Armstrong Telephone (NY)
2013-06-10Updated local calling information for Brazos Telecommunications/Brazos Telephone Cooperative
2013-06-10One-way local calling from exchanges of Cap Rock Telephone Cooperative to all exchanges in Lubbock TX LATA 544, effective 2013-06-01
2013-06-07Added calling information for Golden West Telecommunications (SD/WY/NE)
2013-05-06Added dial plan search
2013-05-04New Market, Prior Lake, and Webster MN consolidated under Twin Cities MN effective 2013-04-08
2013-05-04Company-wide local calling for customers of North Dakota Telephone Company, effective 2013-05-01
2013-03-09Chaska MN consolidated under Twin Cities MN effective 2013-04-01
2013-02-28Local calling from Needles CA to California Village CA effective 2013-02-14
2013-02-28Local calling between the following exchanges in Maine effective 2013-02-19: Kingfield/North New Portland; Kingfield/Strong; North New Portland/Strong
2013-02-18Rate centre consolidation in Washington: Fox Island consolidated under Gig Harbor effective 2013-02-15

Last updated: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 21:20:06 UTC

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