Local Calling Guide

Rate centre information

Search by rate centre (exchange) name, region, area code, LATA. Enter full or partial name. Use official postal abbreviations for province/state/territory.

Victoria, BC [Prefix detail]



V: 06171 H: 09056


Includes all or part of:

NPA 236:

237 239 240 336 464 470 475 478 491 508 562 638 758 882 896 969

NPA 250:

208 213 216 217 220 294 298 356 360 361 363 370 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 391 405 410 412 413 414 415 418 419 472 474 475 477 478 479 480 483 507 508 514 516 519 532 536 580 588 589 590 592 595 598 634 658 661 686 704 708 721 727 744 800 812 813 818 823 853 857 858 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 888 889 891 893 896 900 915 920 940 952 953 978 984 986 987 995 999

NPA 257:


NPA 672:

204 221 223 324 340 341 342 343 381 577 652 661 679 922 974 995

NPA 778:

224 247 265 350 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 410 430 432 433 440 445 486 533 535 557 561 562 584 587 600 676 677 678 679 698 700 703 746 747 817 922 966 967 972 974 977

See all [Local Prefixes]

Local calling FROM: [Reverse direction]

OCNRate centrePlan typeCall typeMonthly limit (minutes)NoteEffective date
Cobble Hill, BC     
Jordan River, BC     
Port Renfrew, BC     
Saanich, BC     
Sooke, BC     

*If OCN is blank, this indicates the default local calling area for all carriers. If OCN is not blank, then local calling is available for that OCN only.

Last updated: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 15:59:20 UTC

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